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VERSION 6.2 - QUARTER 2, 1999
Current thinking. Web specific projects and some other 		things. Contents of Failure Institute. Exhibitions. Inspiration for these difficult times. Some of your questions answered
Mark Rothko

When Mark Rothko killed himself in his East 69th Street studio on February 25, 1970, he set in motion a chain of events that forever changed the relationship between art and money.
The handling of his legacy of paintings by Marlborough Gallery and the five year legal struggle for 800 of the finest Abstract Expressionist paintings ever made became an Art World Watergate and revealed much about the ugly side of high "aesthetibusiness".
We present 93 names of the players in this "opera". Presented alphabetically rather than in some arbitrary order of importance and presented "sans vowels".
All of the images will reveal some additional information on mouseover in current browsers and many are linked to Internet sites for even more.


This work has also been realized in 1988 and a link is provided [HERE] to images of the exhibition at American Fine Arts Co.

Updated:7/24/99 HotDog Professional 5